Saturday 29 December 2012


Tuesday 18 December 2012


Monday 17 December 2012

Countdown to Xmas.

It's 11.11pm 17th December 2012. Xmas is almost here.
For the last few years I've asked not to participate because I hate it. Not all of it. I love my family, I love seeing my younger great nieces and nephews but truthfully on xmas i don't see them for long because there's so many and because, well, they're kids, they're playing with their new toys in their own homes and that's how it should be because it's all about kids isn't it?
I normally give in and go join in, stay with family, placate everyone, keep them happy because God forbid I should be alone at Xmas. But this year yet again I've had major problems with depression. Physical illness too. Problems returning to work. I also hit 40, it didn't bother me, I'd been depressed for months, I don't care for birthdays now, not since my ex killed himself 3 days after my 34th. Four of my best pals turned 40 too and a few others too. Two of my best pals and my brother got married, I'm happy for them, slightly jealous because they have someone and I don't but I'm happy for them. They're happy. I want to be happy, i don't want to just settle for anyone but having a date or two might be nice, i don't have to marry them but i've not met anyone who's remotely floated my boat in years but that's besides the point. Anyways, It's been a very expensive year with all these events. One in which I was off work since January and still haven't got back on my feet. I know Xmas is not about money, not about giving to receive, but I HATE receiving without giving. HATE it. I HATE not HAVING anything to give. I have nothing. Not even joy. I fake it most of the time and no-one notices, and it's exhausting. I just don't want to go through and see my family. I love them but it hurts. It reminds me my mum and dad aren't there and my shithead ex isn't there. It makes me wonder who's next, it makes me think please let it be me because I can't stand any more pain. I want to die, but I don't. I know it doesn't make sense but there it is. Any time I mention staying home alone I get dismissed. It makes me stubborn. I've wanted to stay home alone since before my ex died, since before mum died. Since my dad actually. Why can't I just this once? Why can't i get my own way? Why is it such a big deal? It's just a day.
The crux of it is I don't want Xmas this year because after Xmas is new year, another torture. Then it's 2013.

On February 23rd 2013 my dad will have been gone for ten years. I can't see that day. Every day nearer to Xmas is nearer to new year and nearer to February. I know it will never happen but I want him back. I've not been the same since he died, before that actually, but that did it. It broke me.
That's why I'd rather stay home alone and pretend it's just another day because I can't face the reality of the reminders of what's coming. It's easy to understand why suicide rates spike at this time of year. I'm not saying I'm suicidal, I'm not saying I'm not. I just understand firsthand the pain that drives you there because i tried and almost died, and I understand firsthand the pain it causes because of my ex. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm torn.
I just want Xmas to go away but in reality I'll play along because it's expected. It will take its toll as usual but no-one will know. I'll fake the joy, then I'll cut the pain away, drown it in drugs and pretend like everything is fine.
I'm actually wondering whether to run away. How ridiculous is that?

It's now the 18th. Another day closer. Fuck.

Saturday 8 December 2012

Losing the fight.

I'm a loser. I've always been a loser, I'll always be a loser. This is fact, right? This is how I felt about myself since I was in primary school. The fact I lost all my friends when I went to high school didn't help. Not because we fell out (apart from my besties but that's another story) we were just put in different classes and i never really saw them again. So I made new friends, some of the best friends I ever had. My best pal from 2nd yr onwards is one of the most genuine honest, caring, intelligent and FUNNY people you'll ever meet. After losing my best friends from primary It took me a long time to realise she actually wanted to be my friend rather than just being a friend of convenience (saying that now seems ridiculous because she's just not that type of person) because in 2nd year we just kind of sat together on the first day. Having been in a couple classes together in first year we didn't know each other well, but well enough to say "hi, can I sit here?" and we hit it off. Alienating an older brother and sister for choosing a different high school from them made home life hell as well as the fact problems were starting with my mum and I. All this added up to the fact I felt I didn't belong anywhere. My best friend was too good for me, i had and still have an inferiority complex about it. I did ok in school. 9 O' Grades, 4 Highers, some would say that's better than ok. I went on to college and got my BSc Degree in Chemistry with Business Studies despite crippling depression, although that beat me the following year and I dropped out of my Honours year. I got a few jobs before I became a technician then I went back to Uni to get my Postgraduate Certificate in Education and I became a high school Chemistry teacher for couple years. Bad home life, depression and poor school support meant I gave up teaching which I did enjoy and was good at and went back to technician life. During all this time I've had crippling bouts of depression over and over. I try to see school and Uni as achievements but I can't. I try to maintain friendships but I fail. Work is going terribly, I'm ill and off a lot, just a matter of time before I lose that. I tell myself if I do it's not the end of the world. I've been through worse. My parents are dead. I found my partner dead, I had to become bankrupt and I lost our home. I picked myself up so I should be able to do it again right? Except I don't have any fight left. I'm so tired of it. I don't want to fight against the current that's dragging me down anymore. Class A drugs have never seemed so appealing. They do now. I try to tell myself I'm a good person. I'd do anything for anyone, I do good deeds, I help strangers out, I have a big heart that got repeatedly stomped on but I have it. So why do all these bad things happen to me? Why am I a magnet? I've been raped, sexually assaulted, threatened with rape and death, I've been assaulted a couple times. Had a house I was watching broken into while I was in it asleep with my little niece staying over too (but the hounds of hell wouldn't have been able to hurt her, I can be feral too!) I no longer feel safe anywhere, I've been emotionally, verbally and mentally abused. All this, depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicidal ideation. Tell me, what did I ever do? I was born a loser, I'll die one. Sooner rather than later I think, it just feels inevitable. I don't know how to stop it. One day at a time I guess. Cliched but there it is. This is just a rambling rant not making any sense. Thank feck no-one reads it!! Another day where depression is winning. Yay. I've no fight in me today.

Monday 26 November 2012


I feel like I'm on a precipice, staring into the abyss and I'm going to jump.
I'm impulsive, always have been, always scared to go too close to the edge of cliffs or walk over high bridges, even standing on verandas high up makes me nervous because I want to jump. As a passenger in a car i want to grab steering wheels, stick my hand out train windows (most trains dont have openable winfows in the uk now, in my area anyways) put my hand on a hot electric cooker ring.
I've always done stupid things to see how much they would hurt. And I hurt myself deliberately.
But standing on this precipice this time I feel it could go either way.
I could plummet into the depths and go down into that dark place, get lost for a while and the cycle of depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicidal ideation will keep me churning for a while. I'll torture myself just as much as the illnesses will torture me. I'll become a shell, maybe this time I'll finally lose my job, probably my friends and most likely my life.
It feels so close, like my toes are tipping over the edge.
Or it could be that because I'm so close to tipping I'll move away from the edge, start fighting for some semblance of life. Let my friends and family know that I care about them rather than pushing them away like I've been doing, because if they hate me then it'd be easier on them when I go right? Wrong. It's never easy on those left behind. But then I won't be here to worry about it. Decisions decisions. I don't know if I've gone too far, if my life, any sort of life, is even recoverable anymore, I'm pretty sure it's not. I'm failing in everything I do. My mental and physical health is poor. Changes desperately need to be made but I don't know where to start. Do they do complete life makeovers? Or is that reincarnation?
The equilibrium is changing day to day, hour to hour even. I can't tell which way I'm going. So I'll stay here, teetering, until something sends me one way or the other.

Friday 23 November 2012

Coping. Really? Today the pic is me.

I had an attendance meeting yesterday and I'm going down to 4 days a week for a few months to see if that helps take pressure off. I have a migraine today so I'm off work. Again. I'm up for painkillers and the toilet so I'm typing this. I'm not sure I'm going to see Xmas this year. I don't want to see Xmas this year. If anything I'd rather knock myself out for a couple of days till it's all over and miss the whole hoohaa but it's not allowed. I tried the last few years to have Xmas my way but doc, psychologist, friends, family, all say otherwise. Why? I don't deserve them, they sure as hell don't deserve a waste of space like me. I'm broken. Have been for a long, long time. Since high school? Before then? I'm not sure. Well, I have ideas but they're not getting told just now. I also have mental illness which means my brain chemistry is off and some days that just means bad days and other days its all out to kill me. I feel like maybe I should be cleaning house, sorting my affairs, I'm not sure how much longer I can last because today I just want to give in to my brain and put my plan into action and get the hell out of here. Into some plot in the cold ground. That's today. That's why I've cut myself, taken my migraine meds and a sleeping tablet and some diazepam to knock myself out. Keep myself safe so that maybe tomorrow my outlook will be different.
I'm not sure which way I want it to be.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

The good news or the bad news.

Saw my doc last Friday and while I was there I asked if blood test results came back yet. I was getting tested for thyroid, hypoglycemia, liver function etc because despite coming off antidepressants i still feel exhausted all the time, headachey and generally crap although other side effects are gone. Doc said on fri that my blood tests came back ok. Got letter from surgery today to call. Severely anaemic. Braw. Doc wasn't looking for that though so I guess she didn't notice that result or it wasn't in yet. So, iron tablets for the foreseeable. Yet another thing to deal with. The hits keep on coming!! It does go some way to explaining why i've been so physically ill on top of my depression though. Now for some good news! After HR meeting last week the peeps went back to their bosses and because I was so forthright and accepting that my attendance has to improve and offered to cut my hours they're downgrading me to a stage A meeting rather than stage B, so that's good news. Talked it over with my psychologist and she thinks my proposal to do a 4 day week is a good idea. So maybe Wed off for 3 months then a mon or fri off for three months so i can do a 4 day in a row stint, then full time. Hopefully the anaemia/depression and everything will settle down in that time and i won't be catching everything going and energy levels will be improved, fingers crossed my mood will be too. Feeling hopeful. Xxx

Sunday 4 November 2012

It's a guid 'un

Bought a new knife the other day. Using it for the first time because i wanted to try it out and also because I've come to the realisation that certain people are not who they say they are and this upsets me. It was fairly cheap, from asda I think, but a good make. Much better than the b&q one I was using, it wasn't sharp enough. I never felt I bled enough which was frustrating and didn't calm me enough. This one is good. Probably means I'll cut less because it cuts better. Yep, def cut less and calmer at the sight of decent amount of blood. I can sleep easier now.

Friday 2 November 2012

In support of Kim.

I love this lady, i know some of the pain her and her family are going through. She's so brave to write this blog and i agree with everything she says. I'm tired of people thinking mental illness is something you can just give yourself a shake from, it's not. It's an ILLNESS!

Awareness is poor, this has to change.

Mental illness is deadly and shouldn't be swept under the carpet any longer. No-one would choose to suffer from mental illness just as no-one asks for cancer/heart disease/strokes/addictions etc I've suffered since my teens and still feel sometimes no-one understands and am told that if i just think positive everything will be fine. It won't be. You know why? Because no matter how positive i am one day, the next day my brain might be trying to kill me. I don't get any say in the matter. I have no idea what i'm going to wake up like or if i even want to wake up at all.

You tell me you haven't ever thought of suicide?

Even for the briefest time?

Of course you have, most people do at some point in their lives so why don't we talk about it?

Maybe because you got through it ok, it was a passing phase, you gave yourself a shake? So it can't really be all that serious surely? Wrong. For some people it's not a passing phase, it's a riptide with a current pulling at you relentlessly until you go under. It's God's will whether you come back up or not. Thankfully Kim's son was found in time and because she's so strong and her family is strong he'll find the strength too and I hope to God this was a one-time attempt and that he can learn to manage his illness and lead a good life and get through those toughest of days when you're in the darkest of places and there is no light, no voice, nothing can touch you except that part of your brain that wants to kill you. It's such a struggle, so exhausting. But he's not alone and that's the important part. He has people who understand what he's going through and they're supporting him and talking to him and showing him that it can be done. He'll still have those toughest of days though and those, those, i don't really have the words to convey properly how terrible they are.

So can we please start talking about it? Let's not sweep things under the carpet anymore shall we? Let's make it easier for people to ask for support or time-out, lets not make people feel like they have to hide it. Mental illness is not something to be ashamed about or apologise for, I can't tell you how many apologies I make for being ill. No more. If you are embarrassed when i talk about my illness (and most of you know i'm really open and actually quite blase about it) If you don't want to recognise that I have this illness, then you are denying knowing the real me, and I'm told i can be pretty awesome at times. I know Kim's awesome and so are many of my other friends I've met (mostly online) that are dealing with mental illness and i can guarantee Kim's son is awesome too, he has to be, he shares her genes.

If anyone out there actually reads this and recognises themselves in it, please, seek help, from me, from Kim, from the NHS if you want, there are so many people that can help, you don't have to suffer in silence, you shouldn't have to suffer in silence. There are too many precious lives lost and damaged because it's not taken seriously.

I will take you seriously.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Monday 29 October 2012


Sometimes I wish I didn't exist.

There's so much shit in my head that when it builds up the only way I can stop crying is to hurt myself. So I cut. Mostly I cut, but there's a whole host of ways I hurt myself.

I hate myself. I know I'm a nice person but I hate myself. People hate nice people all the time so don't think I should be immune to it. I dislike people for things they've done or their nature. I don't dislike nice people, i like nice people, so why can't I like myself? I just don't. Hate is a strong word and I can say there is no-one on this earth I hate. Except myself.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Reality check please

Telling someone to face reality and to take responsibility for their life to me seems pretty rude.
Reality is in my face every day, reality has not been kind to me, reality is not kind to a lot of people. Some days i can't deal with it but most days I know what the hell is going on around me and I know I'm responsible for feeding, clothing and working to keep a roof over my head. At the moment it's a bit hit and miss but I'm the one responsible enough to say I'm changing things about to see if it makes a difference, the various anti-depressants I've been on for far too many years have worked only to varying degrees and some have been completely detrimental. My psychologist and doctor both say I'm extremely clued in when it comes to my illness and my treatment and am willing to try anything that will keep me breathing.
Isn't that reality?
 Now I've decided to go without medication for a while to see what my own body actually feels like. I know it's a risk so my docs are keeping a close eye on me and should I have to go back on ADs then I will. I've had a shitty life. Not family/friendwise although several friends have fucked me over. It's the other stuff that's fucked me up. Some I talk about because people know and some I don't because I'm too ashamed or it happened as a child so what can you do? Telling me to face reality, be responsible and not cut myself is not the best way to calm me down when I'm upset. All my doctors agree, and google it if you want to, self-harm can be a coping mechanism, for me it is, it calms me down. It stops me doing the really stupid stuff so if you don't understand that, then ask me why I do it. Don't just assume I'm going to slit my wrists. If my doctors don't have a problem with it and I don't, then leave me to it.
Don't just tell me not to and to face reality cos that gets my back up. Big time. I know this person has had an awful time with depression too, and i'm sad about that but her symptoms were quite different from mine. I know she says it because she cares but telling me to face reality? That just makes me mad, and what do I do when I'm mad? I don't turn into the Hulk. I get my knife out and cut because I hate myself for being mad over something someone says who doesn't know any better. But realistically SHE should, because we've discussed it. I don't tell her what to do. I certainly have never told her to face reality when in fact sometimes she should have because her life would've been easier. But it's her life, I'm there to support, listen and give gentle advice, not to say "face reality and be responsible"

Saturday 20 October 2012

Defective Rabbit in the House

So it's Saturday. I'm exhausted. My period started yesterday joy of joys which explains partly why I felt like I was possessed this week. Don't get me wrong, having periods means I can still have children, which i want, but I need to find a man first and who in their right mind would wanna be with me? Therein lies the predicament. Never mind the "over 40 dangers" (JUST turned 40 ty) and the 50/50 chance of passing on PKD and the depression/anxiety/complete fucking mentalist thing. Maybe "god or whoever" has decided it's better if I don't reproduce (which I can tell you, my family is like rabbits in that respect) but to not even put a man in my path that I can at least copulate with? Well, that's just cruel because you see I have so much love to give, emotionally, AND, dear god given half a chance, physically! I'm a nice, law-abiding good girl. I've been told I'm an ugly bitch on several occasions throughout my life by strangers so maybe that's why no-one wants me, cos I'm not pretty enough (the pic is me so make up your own mind but i know I'm ugly so no need to tell me, ok? please? good, ty) I'm told I'm funny, smart, compassionate, empathic, geeky and pretty. I don't believe all of them but I am geeky and I like a laugh but hey, who doesn't? Anyways, my possessed self has been decorating my bathroom and going up to the shops today. On a Saturday. This is how I KNOW I'm possessed, people up town on a Saturday are total mad fuckers. To be avoided at all costs. Like zombies, you do not want to engage them. Engage as in interact ya nutter not marry them.

Priest: "Zombie do you take..."
Zombie: "oohhhaaahhhhhhhh" *bites priest*

Not that kind of engage ok?? Got that? Good.

So. Up the town on a Saturday. Feels like being the ball in a pinball game. "Sorry" used to be frequent words out my mouth as people bumped into me now it's more like "ahh my cloak of invisibility is clearly working. fuckers hahahaha" I fear my cloak will not protect me from a thumping hence my usual avoidance of a sat avo jaunt up the town at least until I can get my Staff of pain up to par and am able to retaliate. I'm not a violent person, honestly. Honestly!!! Just a little "possessed" at the moment but if Gandalf allows it, it shall pass just like my self-loathing passed as I was cutting myself just now. Ahhhh see? Gone for a wee while. I'll get that under control soon, it's just left me a tad emotional and so a nap is called for. Talking of emotional, the defective rabbit thing is because no-one wants me, ((not because my vibrator is broken, I couldn't afford a rabbit anyways, mine is bog standard (Jesus Tina TMI!!!)). I have to accept this, I can't let it rule my life, I'm going to be alone. The grass isn't always greener on the other side anyways so i'll just have to be a crazy fridge magnet lady (not allowed pets in flat).
Anyway. When I was about 23 my mum told me there were enough grand-kids in the family so she didn't see the point of me having any. Not even one. I have 17 nieces and nephews (not counting their partners) and 18 great nieces and nephews so far. I adore them all. See what I mean about my family being like rabbits and how I'm defective? That, and I'm home, in the house. Title explained in full. I waffle don't I?

Tuesday 16 October 2012

How to Save a Life/Awesomeness personified 2

This picture is posted on my front door and above my desk at work because I love it. It makes me smile every time. I don't care if people think I'm mad (I am) it's for me. To remind me, at a glance, of the humour, the joy, and how great this world can be. I found out tonight a friend's son tried to commit suicide. I can't imagine what it feels like to see your son in so much distress he feels he can't go on and my heart is in pain for her. I do know how it feels to not want to go on. To REALLY not want to go on. She thinks he really meant it. I know how that feels and my heart goes out to him, I can only hope that as a family they find the strength and he recovers fully. I pray for it, for them all. My days of suicidal thoughts aren't over but the devastation Malc caused stops me. The promises I made to people stop me. I put family/friends through enough when i meant it, but it's swept under the carpet, no-one ever spoke to me about it and all i know is it upset them. Some day I fear those reasons for hanging on wont be enough. At the moment though I have Kirk. He's a facet, among many, responsible for keeping me here but I don't have all your photos so I picked him.

RIP Amanda Todd.