Saturday 20 October 2012

Defective Rabbit in the House

So it's Saturday. I'm exhausted. My period started yesterday joy of joys which explains partly why I felt like I was possessed this week. Don't get me wrong, having periods means I can still have children, which i want, but I need to find a man first and who in their right mind would wanna be with me? Therein lies the predicament. Never mind the "over 40 dangers" (JUST turned 40 ty) and the 50/50 chance of passing on PKD and the depression/anxiety/complete fucking mentalist thing. Maybe "god or whoever" has decided it's better if I don't reproduce (which I can tell you, my family is like rabbits in that respect) but to not even put a man in my path that I can at least copulate with? Well, that's just cruel because you see I have so much love to give, emotionally, AND, dear god given half a chance, physically! I'm a nice, law-abiding good girl. I've been told I'm an ugly bitch on several occasions throughout my life by strangers so maybe that's why no-one wants me, cos I'm not pretty enough (the pic is me so make up your own mind but i know I'm ugly so no need to tell me, ok? please? good, ty) I'm told I'm funny, smart, compassionate, empathic, geeky and pretty. I don't believe all of them but I am geeky and I like a laugh but hey, who doesn't? Anyways, my possessed self has been decorating my bathroom and going up to the shops today. On a Saturday. This is how I KNOW I'm possessed, people up town on a Saturday are total mad fuckers. To be avoided at all costs. Like zombies, you do not want to engage them. Engage as in interact ya nutter not marry them.

Priest: "Zombie do you take..."
Zombie: "oohhhaaahhhhhhhh" *bites priest*

Not that kind of engage ok?? Got that? Good.

So. Up the town on a Saturday. Feels like being the ball in a pinball game. "Sorry" used to be frequent words out my mouth as people bumped into me now it's more like "ahh my cloak of invisibility is clearly working. fuckers hahahaha" I fear my cloak will not protect me from a thumping hence my usual avoidance of a sat avo jaunt up the town at least until I can get my Staff of pain up to par and am able to retaliate. I'm not a violent person, honestly. Honestly!!! Just a little "possessed" at the moment but if Gandalf allows it, it shall pass just like my self-loathing passed as I was cutting myself just now. Ahhhh see? Gone for a wee while. I'll get that under control soon, it's just left me a tad emotional and so a nap is called for. Talking of emotional, the defective rabbit thing is because no-one wants me, ((not because my vibrator is broken, I couldn't afford a rabbit anyways, mine is bog standard (Jesus Tina TMI!!!)). I have to accept this, I can't let it rule my life, I'm going to be alone. The grass isn't always greener on the other side anyways so i'll just have to be a crazy fridge magnet lady (not allowed pets in flat).
Anyway. When I was about 23 my mum told me there were enough grand-kids in the family so she didn't see the point of me having any. Not even one. I have 17 nieces and nephews (not counting their partners) and 18 great nieces and nephews so far. I adore them all. See what I mean about my family being like rabbits and how I'm defective? That, and I'm home, in the house. Title explained in full. I waffle don't I?

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