Wednesday 14 November 2012

The good news or the bad news.

Saw my doc last Friday and while I was there I asked if blood test results came back yet. I was getting tested for thyroid, hypoglycemia, liver function etc because despite coming off antidepressants i still feel exhausted all the time, headachey and generally crap although other side effects are gone. Doc said on fri that my blood tests came back ok. Got letter from surgery today to call. Severely anaemic. Braw. Doc wasn't looking for that though so I guess she didn't notice that result or it wasn't in yet. So, iron tablets for the foreseeable. Yet another thing to deal with. The hits keep on coming!! It does go some way to explaining why i've been so physically ill on top of my depression though. Now for some good news! After HR meeting last week the peeps went back to their bosses and because I was so forthright and accepting that my attendance has to improve and offered to cut my hours they're downgrading me to a stage A meeting rather than stage B, so that's good news. Talked it over with my psychologist and she thinks my proposal to do a 4 day week is a good idea. So maybe Wed off for 3 months then a mon or fri off for three months so i can do a 4 day in a row stint, then full time. Hopefully the anaemia/depression and everything will settle down in that time and i won't be catching everything going and energy levels will be improved, fingers crossed my mood will be too. Feeling hopeful. Xxx

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